Friday, August 21, 2009

Memperingati Masjid Al-Aqsa dibakar

TANGGAL 21 Ogos merupakan tarikh yang amat penting dalam lipatan sejarah umat Islam. Apa tidaknya, Pertubuhan Persidangan Islam (OIC) lahir kerana insiden 21 Ogos. Apakah yang berlaku sehingga persidangan ini tercetus?

Pada 21 Ogos 1969, seorang lelaki berbangsa Australia bernama Dennis Michael Rohan telah membakar Masjid Al-Aqsa. Api menyala besar dan membakar tembok serta mimbarnya yang besar (mimbar Solahuddin).

Api marak dengan dahsyat sekali seolah-olah seluruh Masjid Al-Aqsa akan musnah ketika itu. Sehinggakan pihak bomba juga tidak hadir menghulur bantuan.

Namun, Allah SWT telah menyelamatkan Masjid Al-Aqsa dan melindunginya. Akhirnya api dapat dipadamkan.

Setelah itu orang-orang Yahudi membuat pengadilan pura-pura terhadap Rohan. Lucunya, Rohan mendakwa bahawa dia diutus oleh Allah untuk melakukan pembakaran itu, bersesuaian dengan berita dari Kitab Zakaria.

Apa yang menyedihkan kemudiannya ialah Yahudi membebaskannya dengan mengatakan Rohan 'gila', dengan kata lain, tidak waras.

Maka, atas sebab itu, Rohan tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan atas kejadian tersebut. Bertitik-tolak insiden menghinakan itu, negara-negara Islam di seluruh dunia bangkit mempertahankan tempat suci mereka dan mengecam perbuatan keji terhadap Al-Aqsa.

Maka sejak itu, 21 Ogos tanpa gagal diangkat sebagai Hari Al-Quds sedunia. Ia disambut sebagai tanda memperingati tragedi pembakaran masjid Al-Aqsa.

Tragedi tersebut merupakan catatan sejarah yang paling menyedihkan dalam sejarah umat Islam. Masjid Al-Aqsa yang begitu suci itu dihina sedemikian rupa.

Tidak menghairankan apabila semua umat Islam seluruh dunia 'terbakar' hati dan perasaan mereka kerana tindakan Rohan, 38 tahun lalu.

Begitulah nasib tanah suci umat Islam yang ketiga setelah dihuni oleh rejim Zionis.

Berkait isu Palestin

Perlu diingatkan, isu Masjid Al-Aqsa ini ada hubung kait dengan hal-hal Palestin. Maka selayaknya, isu Palestin ini merupakan isu yang dipertanggungjawabkan bagi sekalian umat Islam.

Sebab utamanya, kedudukan Masjid al-Aqsa sebagai Tanah Suci ketiga dalam Islam. Selebihnya ia merupakan kiblat pertama umat Islam selain menjadi bumi didiami para Nabi serta pusat pemerintahan dunia Islam seperti yang dirakamkan dalam hadis Rasulullah.

Bagi masyarakat bukan Islam, isu Palestin menggambarkan ketidakadilan dan kezaliman rejim terhadap bangsa Palestin yang perlu sama-sama dibela dan diperjuangkan.

Hari ini Palestin berada dalam tangan rejim Zionis yang telah merampasnya daripada tangan umat Islam.

Akibatnya, umat Palestin telah dihalau keluar, dizalimi, ditindas, dikambinghitamkan, dipenjarakan dan dibunuh. Nasib yang melanda umat Islam Palestin memerlukan pembelaan dari seluruh umat Islam.

Sebagai usaha pembelaan dan kepedulian, maka Hari Memperingati Al-Quds atau Remembrance of Al-Quds (ROQ) merupakan sebuah gagasan yang menjadi simbol solidariti umat Islam di Malaysia terhadap umat Palestin.

Pelbagai kegiatan boleh dijalankan untuk menghebahkan tentang isu Palestin dan kedudukan Palestin dalam hati umat Islam serta soal penindasan di Masjid Al-Aqsa.

Adalah diharap program ini akan menggerakkan masyarakat supaya sedar lalu terpanggil untuk menghulurkan sumbangan dan mempersiapkan diri mereka dengan segala pertahanan dan kecemerlangan sebagai umat yang terbaik.

Episod duka Palestin ini, ditambah dengan penindasan dan kezaliman yang tidak henti hingga ke saat ini hakikatnya menuntut sokongan dan bantuan semua, seluruh lapisan masyarakat dunia.

Malah, 21 Ogos hadir setiap tahun mengingatkan kita bahawa sekiranya kita tidak mempertahankan tanah suci Palestin dan Masjid Al-Aqsa, kelak, kita bukan sahaja tidak dapat mempertahankannya daripada sekadar dibakar, malah keseluruhannya cenderung untuk dirampas secara terus lagi haram oleh rejim Zionis.

Justeru, bersempena Sambutan Memperingati Hari Al-Quds Sedunia tahun ini, adalah amat wajar untuk kita sama-sama mengajak masyarakat sekeliling memperingatinya, apatah lagi merencana langkah strategik, efektif dan praktikal lagi kreatif demi menyumbang ke arah pembebasan Palestin.

Sementara itu, antara aktiviti untuk menyemarakkan sambutan ini ialah ceramah umum, seminar, demonstrasi damai, penerbitan filem, buletin, cakera padat video (VCD), persembahan seni seperti teater, nasyid, dan festival seni dan pameran kesedaran di tempat awam yang strategik di masjid-masjid, sekolah-sekolah termasuk gedung membeli-belah dan sebagainya.

***********Utusan Malaysia 21 Ogos 09*********

Thursday, August 20, 2009




Kalau sampai waktuku
'Ku mau tak seorang kan merayu
Tidak juga kau

Tak perlu sedu sedan itu

Aku ini binatang garang
Yang tidak mengenal erti pantang

Biar peluru menembus kulitku
Aku tetap meradang menerjang

Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari


Hingga hilang pedih peri

Dan aku akan lebih tidak perduli

Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi

Chairil Anuar - Maret 1943

Labbaikallah humma Labbaik

Aku ini kembara jalanan
Yang meniti usia yang masih ada
Sentuhan Ilahi memanggilku
Menanti di muka Kaabah rumah suci.

For your info, I will be away from 22nd August until 1st September 09. I will be visiting Holy Land of Medinah dan Makkah to perform UMRAH and to experience of fasting during Ramadhan. In this regards, this blog will be KIV for a while. Insha Allah with the blessing of Allah Azza wajalla, it will continue later by the first week of September 2009. I would humbly request to all readers to pray to the almighty God for my safe journey and smooth running of the program during my stay and performing my ibadat overthere.

Happy Ramadhan.

10 Kebiasaan yang Dapat Merusak Otak

BERIKUT adalah 10 kebiasaan yang dapat merusak otak manusia ;
1. Tidak Sarapan Pagi.
Mereka yang tidak sarapan pagi memiliki kadar gula darah yang rendah, yang akibatnya suplai nutrisi ke otak menjadi kurang.

2. Makan Terlalu Banyak .
Terlalu banyak makan, apalagi yang kadar lemaknya tinggi, dapat berakibat mengerasnya pembuluh darah otak karena penimbunan lemak pada dinding dalam pembuluh darah. Akibatnya kemampuan kerja otak akan menurun.

3. Merokok.
Zat dalam rokok yang terhisap akan mengakibatkan penyusutan otak secara cepat, serta dapat mengakibatkan penyakit Alzheimer.

4. Menggunakan Gula Terlalu Banyak Dalam Permakanan.
Penggunaan gula yang terlalu banyak akan menyebabkan terganggunya penyerapan protein dan nutrisi, sehingga terjadi ketidakseimbangan gizi yang akan mengganggu perkembangan otak

5. Pencemaran Udara.
Otak adalah pengguna oksigen terbesar dalam tubuh manusia. Menghirup udara yang tercemar menurunkanbekalan oksigen ke otak sehingga dapat menurunkan efisiensi otak.

6. Kurang Tidur.
Otak memerlukan tidur sebagai saat beristirahat dan memulihkan kemampuannya. Kekurangan tidur dalam jangka waktu lama akan mempercepat kerusakan sel-sel otak.

7. Menutup Kepala Saat Tidur.
Kebiasaan tidur dengan menutup kepala meningkatkan konsentrasi zat karbondioksida dan menurunkan konsentrasi oksigen yang dapat memberi kesan kerusakan pada otak.

8. Menggunakan Pikiran Ketika Sakit.
Bekerja terlalu keras atau memaksakan untuk menggunakan pikiran kita ketika sedang sakit dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya keberkesanan otak serta dapat merusak otak.

9. Kurang Menstimulasi Pikiran.
Berpikir adalah cara yang paling tepat untuk melatih otak kita. Kurangnya stimulasi pada otak dapat menyebabkan mengkerutnya otak kita.

10. Jarang Berkomunikasi.
Komunikasi diperlukan sebagai salah satu prasarana memacu kemampuan kerja otak. Berkomunikasi secara intelektual dapat memicu kecekapan otak. Jarang berkomunikasi akan menyebabkan kemampuan intelektual otak jadi kurang terlatih.

Sumber: Berbagai sumber bacaan.

“Manusia tidak merancang untuk gagal, mereka gagal untuk merancang”. – William J. Siegel.



Hendaklah engkau berusaha supaya dapat bangun dari tidor sebelum terbit fajar dan hendaklah zikrullah yang mendahului segala sesuatu, baik dihatimu ataupun di lidahmu, dan bacalah doa berikut:

" Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan yang menghidupkan kami setelah mematikan kami dan kepadaNya kami akan kembali. Telah berpagi-pagi kami dan telah berpagi-pagi ( telah jadi) segala kerajaan itu bagi Allah segala keagungan bagi Allah. Segala kemegahan dan segala kekuasaan hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekelian alam".

Telah berpagi-pagi kami atas keadaan fitrah Islam dan kalimat keikhlasan dan diatas ugama Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan atas millah Nabi Ibrahim a.s. yang selalu dalam cenderung kepada Islam dan membenci ugama yang lain. Dan bukanlah Nabi Ibrahim itu seorang mushrik.

Ya Allah! Kami meminta kepada Mu supaya Engkau bangunkan kami pada hari ini untuk dapat melakukan segala kebaikan dan kami berlindung dengan Mu daripada melakukan sebarang kejahatan atau pun mengenakannya kepada orang Islam yang lain.

Ya Allah, dengan Mu kami berpagi-pagi dan dengan Mu kami berpetang-petang dan dengan Mu kami hidup dan dengan Mu kami mati. Dan kepada Mu kami akan dikembalikan . Kami memohon kepada Mu akan kebaikan hari ini dan segala kebaikan yang ada di dalamnya, kami berlindung dengan Mu daripada kejahatan hari ini dan segala kejahatan yang ada di dalamnya."

Apabila engkau memakai pakaianmu maka hendaklah engkau niatkannya menjunjung perintah Allah pada menutup auratmu dan janganlah berniat dengan berpakaian itu untuk menunjuk-nunjuk kepada makhluk. kalau begitu, engkau akan mendapat kerugian.



Introductory word

{foto:Miloslav Bouska}

Brno, the Czech Republic‘s second largest city, has a population of nearly 370,000 people. It lies in the central part of Europe and within its two hundred-kilometre radius there are other important European capitals: Prague, Vienna and Bratislava. The international airport in Brno serves regular flights.

Brno is the metropolis of Moravia and an important tourist centre for all who want to explore the natural and cultural beauties of the South-Moravian region.

To the north of Brno there is the protected area of the Moravian Karst (Moravský kras) and to the south stretch the Moravian vineyards with their typical wine cellars. The city is surrounded by beautiful mixed forests, which offer many opportunities for tourism and cycling. Brno prides itself on many notable historic sites that show evidence of its rich cultural history. Once established as a settlement of merchants eight centuries ago on the junctions of the rivers Svratka and Svitava, it withstood the pressure of both the Hussite and Swedish besiegement,

witnessed Napoleon‘s military expedition to Slavkov, bore the cruel consequences of the Austrian defeat at the Battle of the Three Emperors, became an industrial centre of the Habsburg monarchy called "the Austrian Manchester" and, in the twentieth century, gained a character of a modern city thanks to the construction of new buildings in the functionalist style. The most important example of modern architecture in Brno is The Tugendhat Villa - a historic site inscribed on the UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage List.

Today Brno is a seat of universities and important judiciary institutions.

{foto:Miloslav Bouska}

It offers many possibilities of cultural enjoyment in its numerous theatres, museums, cinemas and clubs. The Brno Exhibition Centre with its eighty-year tradition is a venue of many international trade fairs, exhibitions and congresses, and as such plays a significant role in the social and economic life of the whole city. The City of Brno regularly holds various cultural events, festivals (e.g. "Brno - City in the Centre of Europe" associated with a fireworks competition "Ignis Brunensis") as well as some notable sporting events (Brno Grand Prix of road motorcycles). Brno is also a city of modern shopping and entertainment centres.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009



Vanuatu Parliament

The area occupied by Port Vila has been inhabited by Melanesian people for thousands of years. In 1606, the first Europeans arrived at the island, led by Pedro Fernández de Quirós and Luis Váez de Torres. In the 19th century, French settlers established the municipality of Franceville, which declared independence in 1889 and became the first self-governing nation to practice universal suffrage without distinction of sex or race. Although the population at the time consisted of about 500 native islanders and less than 50 whites, only the latter were permitted to hold office. One of the elected presidents was a U.S. citizen by birth, R.D. Polk.[2]

After 1887, the territory was jointly administered by the French and the British. This was formalized in 1906 as an Anglo-French Condominium. During World War II, Port Vila was an American and Australian airbase. In 1987, a cyclone severely damaged the city. Another powerful earthquake in January 2002 caused extensive damage in the capital and surrounding areas.



Galle Face Green

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The Galle Face Green is a promenade which stretches for half kilometre along the coast in the heart of financial and business district of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The promenade was initially laid out in 1859 by the British Governor of Ceylon, Sir Henry Ward, and was also used for horse racing and as a golf course, although the original Galle Face Green extended over a much larger area than is seen today.

The Galle Face Green is currently a 5 hectare ribbon strip of land between Galle Road and Indian Ocean which is now the largest open space in Colombo. This is a popular destination for children, vendors, teenagers, lovers, kite flyers, merrymakers and all those who want to indulge in their favorite pastimes next to the sea under the open sky. On Saturday and Sunday evenings, the land is busy with day trippers, picnickers and food vendors. There are two large hotels that border the strip; the Ceylon Continental Hotel and at the other by the quaint Galle Face Hotel, one of Sri Lanka's oldest and most popular hotels, with a variety of old world charm including old furniture, hand carved doors, balconies and high ceilings.

Radio Ceylon and subsequently the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, the oldest radio station in South Asia has recorded many programmes here from their outside broadcast input in the 1950s and 1960s.

The Galle Face Green is administered and maintained by the Urban Development Authority of Sri Lanka (UDA).



This place must have had a strange effect on Sultan Yusuf Sharifuddin Mudzaffar Shah of Perak who ruled from 1877 to 1887. Unlike many rulers who protected their royal places and strongholds by selecting their vantage points carefully where they could detect enemy approach from afar, the Sultan had his first royal palace built beside the riverbank. He then named it 'Istana Sri Sayong'.

Apart from being exposed to the impending threat of invasion, the other problem was the force of monsoon seasons, which led to numerous flooding as water gushed down from the jungles above through the many tributaries. The name Kuala Kangsar is believed to be derived from 'Kuala Kurang-Sa', which literally means '100 minus one', usually interpreted as 'the 99th small tributary to flow into the Perak River'.

One flooding was so severe, it almost swept the palace away. Finally, after the Big Flood or Air Bah in 1926, it was decided to move the place further up onto the knoll where stands the current Royal Palace named Istana Iskandariah with its Art-Deco architecture, a rare but significant piece of architectural milestone in Malaysia.

The Sultan of Perak officially resides in Kuala Kangsar, and it has been Perak's royal seat since the 18th century. It is one of four towns that plays a role in Perak's complex succession system. It was the administrative seat of the first British Resident in the Malay Peninsula, James W.W. Birch, from October 1874 until he was murdered on November 2, 1875.

Kuala Kangsar is also known in Malaysian history as the site where the first Conference of Rulers, the Durbar, was held in 1897. By the 1890s, the growth of the tin mining towns of IpohTaiping had eclipsed Kuala Kangsar, but it remains to this day one of the most attractive of the Malay royal capitals. and

The town is also the site of the first rubber tree planted in Malaysia. The person responsible was the English botanist Henry Nicholas Ridley. He was the one who helped Malaya and eventually Malaysia become the largest rubber producer in the world. The tree still stands today.

The first Malaysian scout troop was established in Kuala Kangsar. Consequently, its squad number is 001.



What is protein?

Proteins consist of long chains of amino acids and are an essential building block for the effective structure and function of muscle and the rest of your body. They are digested in the gastrointestinal tract into their component amino acids and small peptide fractions. These are subsequently absorbed into your bloodstream and transported to your muscles. Peptides form by digestion of proteins into amino acids with shorter chain length.

There are 20 different amino acids which, when arranged in different orders, form different proteins. In some cases, not all of the amino acids will be present in a nutritionally significant concentration. Of the 20 amino acids, 9 are “essential amino acids” as they cannot be synthesized in your body and so must be consumed as part of your protein intake.

These are:

  • lysine
  • leucine
  • isoleucine
  • threonine
  • tryptophan
  • valine
  • methionine
  • phenylalanine
  • histidine

Some proteins contain only small quantities of these essential amino acids, quantities that are insufficient for maintaining your effective body function.

Bovine milk, and whey proteins in particular, are the richest source of the naturally occurring essential amino acids required for your body. But not all whey proteins are the same: their detailed composition and biological functionality is dependant on both the quality of the milk and the manufacturing, processing and storage conditions.

Why do athletes need protein?

  • Protein provides the building blocks for muscle growth.
    • Resistance training stimulates protein synthesis.
    • Type, amount and timing of protein intake is important.
    • Dietary protein surplus to that required for muscle function may become a source of energy.
  • Protein provides the amino acids to repair muscle damage caused by exercise.
    • Muscle damage involves micro tears and results in inflammation which is a normal part of your exercise regime.
    • Micro tears, if repaired properly, enhance muscle adaptation, growth/strength and reduce soreness/inflammation.
    • The appropriate protein/peptides need to be available to supply the amino acids that are critical for effective repair and recovery of your muscles.
  • Protein provides a source of energy.
    • With high intensity exercise, and/or prolonged endurance activity, once carbohydrate (glycogen) is depleted as a source of energy, protein use increases.
    • Protein makes a small contribution to total energy requirement of exercise.
    • Protein provides up to 5-10% of energy.

How much protein do you need?

The recommended protein intake for any individual varies depending on a number of factors, including the type of activity and the age and gender of the person in question.

Table of protein requirements for men and women depending on activity

Notes on the above table:

  • The amount and type of protein will vary according to the type of exercise and your individual goals.
  • Figures in the table should be used as a guide only. Current research has not yet defined absolute protein requirements.

When do you take protein?

The timing of protein consumption is critical to the rate of repair, which is highest in the first 1-2 hours post-exercise. Muscle repair generally continues for 24-36 hours, and after severe fatigue may continue for up to 5 days. Therefore, maintaining an appropriate protein source during these times is vital to effective repair and recovery.

Some research also indicates that consuming proteins and/or amino acids in combination with carbohydrates before and after exercise may minimise muscle damage and further enhance muscle repair.

(Baty et al, 2007; Tipton et al, 2001; Wolfe, 2001; Rasmussen et al, 2000)


Matang Wildlife Centre

Matang Wildlife Centre, part of Kubah National Park, houses endangered wildlife in large enclosed areas of rainforest or spacious cages.

The main attraction is the Orang Utan training programme, where young Orang Utans, who were either orphaned or rescued from captivity, are taught how to survive in the wild.

The best time to see the Orang Utan is at feeding time. As well as Orang Utans, the Centre includes spacious enclosures housing Sambar Deer, Crocodiles, Sun Bears,Civets and Bear Cats, and three large aviaries featuring Hornbills, Sea Eagles and a host of other birds native to Sarawak.
There are some pleasant riverside picnic spots a short walk from the centre and four jungle trails. The Pitcher trail, which follows a circular path through the forest, takes approximately 2 hours and trekkers should not have too much difficulty in spotting the various specious of pitcher plants that litter the forest floor at the sides of the trail. The Sungai Rayu trail leads to the Kubah Park HQ and takes 3-4 hours. The Sungai Senduk and Sungai Buluh trails both lead to waterfalls and takes one and two hours respectively.
There is an information centre, accomodation facilities and a small canteen just a short walk from the car park.


Ela Beach, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Saya sekeluarga pernah tinggal disini selama 3 tahun. Pada tahun 1986 saya dihantar bertugas di Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Pejabat kedutaan di tempatkan di Tingkat 2, Pacific View Apartment, Korobosea.

Rumah kediaman saya sekeluarga di tingkat 1 , manakala kediaman rasmi Duta Besar berada di tingkat 12. Pantai Ela Beach yang cantik biru terbentang itu dapat di lihat dari tingkap apartment kami. Disinilah pejabat saya yang tercantik berbanding dengan pejabat-pejabat saya yang lain.

Duta Besar ketika itu ialah TYT B. Rajaram. Pegawai-pegawai lain ialah Encik James Gan Eng Lock, saya dan Encik Nor Habibullah sebagai Pembantu Khas kepada TYT.

Lain-lain kedutaan yang juga berada dibangunan yang sama, ialah Germany, Perancis, Korea Selatan dan juga Pejabat Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.

Banyak cerita-cerita menarik yang saya alami semasa disana.


Flag of Malaysia

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National flag and state ensign. Flag ratio: 1:2

The flag of Malaysia, also known as the Jalur Gemilang ("Stripes of Glory"), comprises a field of 14 alternating red and white stripes along the fly and a blue canton bearing a crescent and a 14-point star known as the Bintang Persekutuan or Federal Star.

The 14 stripes, of equal width, represent the equal status in the federation of the 13 member states and the federal government, while the 14 points of the star represent the unity between these entities.

The crescent represents Islam, the country's official religion; the blue canton symbolizes the unity of the Malaysian people; the yellow of the star and crescent is the royal colour of the Malay rulers.

[1] In blazon, the Malaysian flag is described as: "A banner Gules, seven bars Argent; the canton Azure charged with decrescent and mullet of fourteen points Or." This means "a red flag with seven horizontal white stripes; the upper-left (hoist) quarter is blue with a yellow waning crescent (i.e. horns pointing to sinister) and a yellow 14-pointed star."

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



In the late 1800s, the British North Borneo Company (BNBC) began to establish colonies throughout North Borneo (now Sabah). In 1882, the Company founded a small settlement on Gaya Island (Pulau Gaya), which was already inhabited by the Bajau people. In 1897, this first settlement was burned and destroyed by Bajau rebels led by Mat Salleh.[5]

After the rebellion, the Company decided to relocate the settlement to the more easily defended mainland opposite Pulau Gaya. A nearby fishing village named Api-Api (see Original namesNorth Borneo Railway. It was expanded and renamed Jesselton, named after Sir Charles Jessel, the then Vice Chairman of the Company. below), was the next settlement of the Company. This new location was then designated as the main harbour and port, as well as the terminus for the

Eventually, Jesselton became a major trading post of North Borneo, dealing in rubber, rattan, honey, and wax. The new railway was used to transport goods to Jesselton harbour. Bajau uprisings during these times were not uncommon, and the Company worked to quell the long-standing threat of piracy in the region.

A bird's eye view of Kota Kinabalu from Penampang.

Jesselton was razed by the retreating British early in World War II to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Japanese. After the Japanese takeover of Borneo, it was again renamed Api. Rebellions against the Japanese military administration have taken place in Api. One major rebellion occurred in 1943 by the group called Kinabalu Guerrillas, consisting of local inhabitants. The rebellion was however quelled by the Japanese forces, after their leader, Albert Kwok, was arrested and executed in 1944.[6] At the later stages of the war, what remained of the town was destroyed again by Allied bombings as part of the Borneo Campaign in 1945, leaving only three buildings standing. The war in North Borneo ended with the official surrender of the Japanese 37th Army by Lieutenant General Baba Masao in Labuan on September 10, 1945.

After the war, the British North Borneo Company returned to administer Jesselton but was unable to finance the huge costs of reconstruction. They gave control of North Borneo to the British Crown in 1946. The new colonial government elected to rebuild Jesselton as the capital of North Borneo instead of Sandakan, which had also been destroyed by the war.[7]

When North Borneo together with Sarawak, Singapore & Federation of Malaya formed the Federation of Malaysia in 1963, the state became known as Sabah and Jesselton remained its capital. Jesselton was renamed Kota Kinabalu on September 30, 1968 and received official city status from the Malaysian government on February 2, 2000.



Adab-adab Melaksanakan Ketaatan

Ketahuilah olehmu bahawa perintah Allah itu ada yang fardhu (wajib) dan ada yang sunat. Yang fardhu ialah modal iaitu asas perniagaan. Dan dengan modal ini kita akan selamat, sedangkan yang sunnat itu ialah keuntungan dan dengan keuntungan itu kita akan mendapat beberapa darjat kelebihan.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. - Ertinya:

" Allah Ta'ala telah berfirman ( di dalam hadith qudsi ): tidak ada suatu cara yang lebih sesuai untuk hambaKu menghampirkan dirinya kepada Ku dengan seumpama mereka melakukan ibadat yang Aku fardhukan ke atas mereka. Dan sentiasa seorang hamba Ku menghampirkan diri kepada Ku dengan menambah amalan yang sunat-sunat ( setelah mereka melakukan yang fardhu-fardhu) sehingga Aku mencintainya, maka apabila Aku telah mencintainya maka Akulah pendengaran yang ia mendengar dengannya dan Akulah pengelihatan yang ia melihat dengannya dan Akulah lidahnya yang ia bercakap dengannya dan Akulah tangannya yang ia menyentuh dengannya dan Akulah kakinya yang ia berjalan dengannya. "
( Hadith riwayat Bukhari dari Abu Hurairah ),

Dan engkau, wahai penuntut - tidak dapat melaksanakan semua perintah Allah Taala kecuali dengan menguasai hati dan seluruh anggotamu pada sekelian masa dan nafasmu, bermula dari pagi sampai ke petang.

Dan ketahuilah bahawa Allah Taala itu mengetahui segala yang ada di dalam hatimu dan Dia menilik segala yang ada pada zahir dan batinmu. Dan Dia mengetahui segala masamu, lintasan hatimu dan segala langkah-langkahmu dan segala diammu dan gerakmu. Dan samaada engkau bergaul dengan orang ramai atau engkau duduk bersendirian, sebenarnya engkau sentiasa didalam perhatian Tuhanmu. Maka tidak diam sesuatu yang diam di alam "MULK" ( alam yang nampak oleh manusia) dan alam "Malakut" ( alam yang tidak nampak oleh manusia) dan tidak bergerak segala bergerak kecuali Tuhan yang menguasai sekelian langit dan bumi itu melihat dan mengetahuinya sepertimana FirmanNya:

" Dia ( Allah) mengetahui pandangan mata yang khianat dan apa yang disembunyikan oleh hati "
( Surah Al Mukmin , ayat 19)

Allah berfirman Lagi:

" Allah mengetahui rahsia dan yang lebih tersembunyi lagi"
( Surah Thaha, ayat 7)

Maka jagalah adab-adabmu di hadapan Tuhanmu, baik zahir ataupun batin seperti beradabnya seseorang hamba yang hina yang banyak membuat kesalahan di hadapan seorang raja yang gagah perkasa. Dan bersungguh-sungguhlah engkau menjalani adab sehingga Tuhanmu tidak melihat engkau di tempat yang Dia larang dan jangan sampai engkau tidak ada di tempat yang dikehendakiNya kehadhiranmu.

Dan Engkau tidak akan mampu berbuat demikian kecuali bila engkau aturkan masa mu baik-baik dan engkau susunkan wirid mu ( bacaanmu ) daripada waktu pagi hingga ke petang. Maka dengarlah baik-baik, kerana aku akan menyebutkan segala yang disuruh oleh TuhanMu bermula dari engkau bangun tidur ( diwaktu pagi ) sampai kepada engkau kembali semula ke tempat tidurmu pada hari berikutnya.

( Petikan dari Buku Bidayatul Hidayah, diterjemahkan oleh Abu Ali Al Banjari An Nadwi , Terbitan Khazanah Banjariah, No. 3 Jalan Sheikh Muhammad al-Banjari, Maahad Tarbiah Islamiah, Derang, Pokok Sena, Kedah Darul Aman)


My Life Story.....Hatiku, hidupku, Rindu dan Cintaku....: Anugerah Tuhan buat saya

My Life Story.....Hatiku, hidupku, Rindu dan Cintaku....: Anugerah Tuhan buat saya


Prof. Rozumah,


Sorry for the delay, esp. because the prevention against H1N1 is an urgent matter.

Let me provide here some easy measures to prevent the disease:

Basic information for the prevention of H1N1 disease:

(a) The following information I have written in my book on "Human Diseases" should prove very useful:

p.187: Immunity against virus diseases.

p.141: Common Cold.

p.171: German Measles

p.232. Shingles

p.246. Virus Diseases.

p. 115: Body Heat or Heaty Body.

p.35. Table-1: Diseases that may develop in relation to acidity.

All the above are very much relevant to H1N1 disease. They would only take very little time to read.

(b) Besides the above, the following should prove useful as well:

* Keeping awake late-nights is not very good. Likewise, over-working (far too much of working until your body is totally exhausted) is not good. Starving without eating food is not good for this disease. Strenuous exercises are not good, as it would make the body acidic.

* Avoid consuming ACID foods, fruits and drinks. Examples of this: buah kundang, rambai, macang, mango, duku langsat, rambutan (a few ok), mangosteen (very few, ok),

Durian (not too much), green belimbing used for cooking (sweet buah belimbing, ok), strongly sourish Durian Belanda (sour sop) (sweet sour-sop, ok), sour plums, Roselle drink, Assam Jawa drink (using Assam Jawa for cooking, ok), (oranges, pomelo and lemons are ok, since they contain plenty of potassium),

Sour pineapple (a little of sweet pineapple, ok), China-imported tit-bits that taste sour: e.g., sourkana, sour orange skin, sour lemon skin, sour ginger, sour-tasting Bayam (pulicha keerai, in Tamil), etc., Generally rice and rice-based foods are good.

All those bottled drinks that may contain citric acid (or any other acid or preservatives) should be avoided.

Foods cooked 2 or 3 days ago (i.e., old food), if not sterilised properly) should not be eaten as well. This is especially true if the curry contains dhor dhall, kacang hijau (green gram), kacang tanah (groundnut), etc.

Must avoid eating chocolates, ALL forms of nuts including groundnuts, pistachio, almond, etc. should not be eaten in large quantities / frequently (A few added to foods can be eaten).

* Better to eat: dragon fruit, sweet apples, honey melon, water melon, pears, bananas, cucumber, onions, pumpkin, grey 'pumpkin' (Poosanikkai, in Tamil), loofa (Peerkangai in Tamil), Drinking coconut water (and its meat) on alternate days (during day time and not by night) is good. Coconut water can be taken daily if one is traveling around, or is engaged in strenuous physical work.

*The fruits of Sea Coconut (Borassus flaberllifers) is EXCELLENT if a person has already contracted the disease. It will give immediate cure. Now, it is available in supermarkets in canned forms: they call it Sea Coconut, imported from Thailand or Singapore : white syrup or gula Melaka preparation: both are OK. (Uninfected people can also eat this for prevention: dosage: just 2 or 3 pieces only in the mornings on alternate days, until the hot season changes.

If infected, one should bathe 3 or 4 times a day in cool tap water. (Hot water is bad).

* Once infected, the person should eat RICE and rice-based foods, and should avoid high protein diet, chicken, soybean (all kinds), oily foods, Wheat items are not good.

Powdered milk, papaya and other acid fruits mentioned above should be avoided altogether.

The contents of the above mail / 'article', based on my personal research thinking, written without any prejudice, form a reply to one of my patient's / friend's inquiry. I am sending copies of this to my friends with a view to letting them know some useful information. This does NOT form a suggestion for the treatment of any kind of OR any one's health problems. I have no objection if my friends wish to forward this to THEIR friends, provided they include this disclaimer along with my copyright protection while forwarding. If this 'article' has reached you unsolicited, and if you do not wish to receive such mails in future, kindly inform me or your forwarder so that it can be avoided in future. With thanks, Dr. Palani, Ph..D., Pioneering Founder of Ecological Healing System, a Complementary Medicine.

Dr.V.M. Palaniappan, Ph.D.,
(Pioneering Founder of "Ecological Healing System"),
Chief Consultant, Neo Health Care
30-A, Jalan Ara SD 7/3-A, Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
H/P: (6) 012-207 14 14
Tel Resid: (6-03) 627 222 84



h1n1 title

H1N1 is a global problem and it doesn’t appear to be stopping. With WHO declaring LEVEL 6 which is PANDEMIC level for INFLUENZA A (H1N1), now is the time to pay extra attention to your health. You really need a strong immune system so that you can reduce your risk of contacting H1N1.


Monday, August 17, 2009



Practice good hygiene and take the right foods especially by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables. The right vitamins supplements can improve your immunity to the H1N1 flu. The following vitamins can boost up your immune system:


Vitamin D can increase production of antimicrobial agents in the body.

Recommended to take 2000-5000 mg a day.


Vitamin C - can increase the number of interferon antibodies which will prevent the swine flu from even entering cells.

Recommended to take 200 mg a day.


Vitamin E - can produce natural killer cells that will destroy the flu germs.

Recommended to take 100-400 mg a day.


Vitamin A - can boost immune response


Bioflavonoids - can fill up cell receptor sites preventing H1N1 flu germs from causing infection.

Take foods rich in bioflavonoids which are usually found in citrus fruits , green teas, dark chocolate, peppers, garlic, blueberries, and acaiberries.


Zinc - increase immune response to fight H1n1 effectively.



What is the new influenza A(H1N1)?

This is a new influenza A(H1N1) virus that has never before circulated among humans. This virus is not related to previous or current human seasonal influenza viruses.

How do people become infected with the virus?

The virus is spread from person-to-person. It is transmitted as easily as the normal seasonal flu and can be passed to other people by exposure to infected droplets expelled by coughing or sneezing that can be inhaled, or that can contaminate hands or surfaces.

To prevent spread, people who are ill should cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, stay home when they are unwell, clean their hands regularly, and keep some distance from healthy people, as much as possible.

There are no known instances of people getting infected by exposure to pigs or other animals.

The place of origin of the virus is unknown.

What are the signs and symptoms of infection?

Signs of influenza A(H1N1) are flu-like, including fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and runny nose, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhoea.

Why are we so worried about this flu when hundreds of thousands die every year from seasonal epidemics?

Seasonal influenza occurs every year and the viruses change each year - but many people have some immunity to the circulating virus which helps limit infections. Some countries also use seasonal influenza vaccines to reduce illness and deaths.

But influenza A(H1N1) is a new virus and one to which most people have no or little immunity and, therefore, this virus could cause more infections than are seen with seasonal flu. WHO is working closely with manufacturers to expedite the development of a safe and effective vaccine but it will be some months before it is available.

The new influenza A(H1N1) appears to be as contagious as seasonal influenza, and is spreading fast particularly among young people (from ages 10 to 45). The severity of the disease ranges from very mild symptoms to severe illnesses that can result in death. The majority of people who contract the virus experience the milder disease and recover without antiviral treatment or medical care. Of the more serious cases, more than half of hospitalized people had underlying health conditions or weak immune systems.

Most people experience mild illness and recover at home. When should someone seek medical care?

A person should seek medical care if they experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or if a fever continues more than three days. For parents with a young child who is ill, seek medical care if a child has fast or labored breathing, continuing fever or convulsions (seizures).

Supportive care at home - resting, drinking plenty of fluids and using a pain reliever for aches - is adequate for recovery in most cases. (A non-aspirin pain reliever should be used by children and young adults because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.)

What can I do to protect myself from catching influenza A(H1N1)?

The main route of transmission of the new influenza A(H1N1) virus seems to be similar to seasonal influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking, sneezing or coughing. You can prevent getting infected by avoiding close contact with people who show influenza-like symptoms (trying to maintain a distance of about 1 metre if possible) and taking the following measures:

  • avoid touching your mouth and nose;
  • clean hands thoroughly with soap and water, or cleanse them with an alcohol-based hand rub on a regular basis (especially if touching the mouth and nose, or surfaces that are potentially contaminated);
  • avoid close contact with people who might be ill;
  • reduce the time spent in crowded settings if possible;
  • improve airflow in your living space by opening windows;
  • practise good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.

What about using a mask? What does WHO recommend?

If you are not sick you do not have to wear a mask.

If you are caring for a sick person, you can wear a mask when you are in close contact with the ill person and dispose of it immediately after contact, and cleanse your hands thoroughly afterwards.

If you are sick and must travel or be around others, cover your mouth and nose.

Using a mask correctly in all situations is essential. Incorrect use actually increases the chance of spreading infection.

How do I know if I have influenza A(H1N1)?

You will not be able to tell the difference between seasonal flu and influenza A(H1N1) without medical help. Typical symptoms to watch for are similar to seasonal viruses and include fever, cough, headache, body aches, sore throat and runny nose. Only your medical practitioner and local health authority can confirm a case of influenza A(H1N1).

What should I do if I think I have the illness?

If you feel unwell, have high fever, cough or sore throat:

  • stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds;
  • rest and take plenty of fluids;
  • cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing and, if using tissues, make sure you dispose of them carefully. Clean your hands immediately after with soap and water or cleanse them with an alcohol-based hand rub;
  • if you do not have a tissue close by when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth as much as possible with the crook of your elbow;
  • use a mask to help you contain the spread of droplets when you are around others, but be sure to do so correctly;
  • inform family and friends about your illness and try to avoid contact with other people;
  • If possible, contact a health professional before traveling to a health facility to discuss whether a medical examination is necessary.

Should I take an antiviral now just in case I catch the new virus?


Individuals should not buy medicines to prevent or fight this new influenza without a prescription, and they should exercise caution in buying antivirals over the Internet.

What about breastfeeding? Should I stop if I am ill?

No, not unless your health care provider advises it. Studies on other influenza infections show that breastfeeding is most likely protective for babies - it passes on helpful maternal immunities and lowers the risk of respiratory disease. Breastfeeding provides the best overall nutrition for babies and increases their defense factors to fight illness.

When should someone seek medical care?

A person should seek medical care if they experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or if a fever continues more than three days. For parents with a young child who is ill, seek medical care if a child has fast or labored breathing, continuing fever or convulsions (seizures).

Supportive care at home - resting, drinking plenty of fluids and using a pain reliever for aches - is adequate for recovery in most cases. (A non-aspirin pain reliever should be used by children and young adults because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.)

Should I go to work if I have the flu but am feeling OK?

No. Whether you have influenza A(H1N1) or a seasonal influenza, you should stay home and away from work through the duration of your symptoms. This is a precaution that can protect your work colleagues and others.

Can I travel?

If you are feeling unwell or have symptoms of influenza, you should not travel. If you have any doubts about your health, you should check with your health care provider.

Are some people more at risk?

People at higher risk of serious complications from seasonal flu include people age 65 years and older, children younger than 5 years old, pregnant women, people of any age who are obese or with chronic medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), and people who are immunosuppressed (e.g., taking immunosuppressive medications, infected with HIV).
